CSc 33600 Syllabus
Fall 2022 | Professor Gaspari - [email protected]
Required course | Prereq.: CSc 21200, CSc 2200, and CSc 22100
An introduction to database architecture. Levels of abstraction in a database system; physical database organization: abstract data models, relational databases, their query languages, and database design.
Monday/Wednesday - Hybrid. Monday classes will be done over Zoom and Wednesday classes will be done in person.
Classroom: NA 4209
Office hours: Wednesday 6-7 PM
Textbook and materials
- A First Course in Database Systems, E Jeff Ullman & Jennifer Widom, Prentice Hall 2008. ISBN-13:9780136006347
- Zybooks: Sign in or create an account at Enter zyBook code:
. Subscribe. - Extra: various online materials related to coursework
You will have at least a midterm and a final exam. There may be some tiny quizzes mixed in as well.
Projects (homework)
Projects are an amazing way to really learn how databases work. This is a core part of the class!
- Overview of DBMS
- The relational model of data
- Database design
- Constraints and triggers
- Views and Indexes
- Transaction management
- Bonus: Cloud, scaling, query optimization, ORM's
Collaboration is highly highly encouraged. Working together to solve problems is an essential part of learning and working as you grow. BUT everyone must submit their own work. If you cheat or copy work, it will be very apparent. It's very likely you're going to be using the info for this class in you're future - you'll want to know it!
Class Policy
Late assignment submission will be allowed only within two days with a score deduction of 25%. After two days assignments will no longer be accepted (speak with me in the event of an extreme circumstance).
You must take the tests. Missed tests will result in a grade of 0.
No cheating. If you cheat I must file a report as per the CUNY guidelines. Save both of us the hassle as do your own work!
Grade Breakdown
Grade breakdown will be 20% midterm, 30% final, 35% projects/homework, 15% participation.
I'm going to do my best to make this class hyper-relevant. I hope to have a guest speaker or two, maybe a class trip, and to bring some real-world examples to the class!